OSW-CTM Verification
The online directory (below) may be used to confirm a professional’s current and Emeritus BOSWC certification status. Names of social workers currently certified by BOSWC are available to the public. Search on the individual’s name, state, and/or city to refine the list of certificants. Certificants can download verification of their certification from their profile dashboard.
Primary Source Verification for the Certified Oncology Social Worker (OSW-CTM) certification may be obtained in writing from BOSWC for a fee of $25.
- Emeritus status provides special recognition to permanently-retired social workers who once held the OSW-CTM active certification and may NOT be used in active practice.
- BOSWC cannot provide verification for the educational preparation or professional experience of an individual.
Suspected Fraud or Misconduct
If you suspect a social worker is misrepresenting themself as a BOSWC-certified social worker (active or Emeritus), please report it to BOSWC. You also are asked to report professional misconduct that may violate BOSWC policies and/or an OSW-C’s commitment to professional ethics and practice. All reports are confidential and you may report anonymously by leaving a message at 412-859-6224 or emailing [email protected].
OSW-CTM Verification Directory/Look-up
Kathryn Woodhouse

Hayley Woodring

Vicki Wright

Rebekah Wyse

Vickie Yang

Kylie Yassin

Nancy Yeisley

Robin Yoder

Mrs. Alexis Youdelman
Tiffany Young

Beth Zaberdac

Dana Zager

Shannon Zaleski